Today Tyler is 6months old. Doing good health wise. He loves to be picked up, and talked too. He still wears 3months clothes, we try to buy him shoes but size 1 were too big on him, it seem it was bigger than his body, looked too funny. Tyler is a happy little boy, that loves to laugh, and smile alot. We are blessed with good boy. (for now) just kidding!! He still sleeps thru out the night, lately he been waking up btw 6-7am which normally he would sleep until 7:30-8am. But I'm not complaining, cause he eats and goes right to sleep again for couple of hours. Tyler loves taking bath, OMG he can stay in the bath all night if it was up to him. This is cute, When Tyler gets cranky Virginia knows a song from school and one day she sang it to him and he would just stay quiet, so from their on, WHen Tyler gets cranky she sing him the song and he calms down. Now Virginia is sick of singing that same old song over and over. its funny!!! Stella my big little helper, she helps me a bunch, I am lucky to have her with me when Virginia is at school. Can't believe it Stella will start school in the end of August. I'm so excited for her she waited long time. My kids are growing up so fast. I'm not going to have any more babies so I need to enjoy Tyler while he is still a baby, and I am loving it. I will be starting CNA classes on March.2 for 2 1/2wks. We will be sacrificing a lot, but it will be worth it. I am still doing my cleaning business, and now I will be selling Partylite Candles. So I got my hand full for now and I kind of like it like that. Danny is starting to do overtime and working on his days off. That sucks, but good $$$$!! He works so hard for us. Love him a whole lot. He's so smart-gosh hate that !! in a nice way!!He but in is transfer last Aug to California, but no news. I kind of want to stay here in Utah, just because, I am so adapted where we live, the school is great , don't have to worry about school being so crowded other issues. I love the friends I am made here. Even thought I have to say I have 3 good friends that I love dearly and they been good to me and my family. (Amy,Nikki,Tammy) But if we moved to Cali it will be nice to be next to family. We do miss our family, that's why I try to see my parents as often as possible while I have the opporunity to do so. K done for now-WOW I need to stop, I could write a novel!!!